Yes, it's true! We are officially moving across the world to India. If you would have asked me 6 months ago, India would not have been on my radar. God has completely changed our plans and here we are 1 week from the big move. As we began to share our news with many of our friends, family, and co-workers many asked if we would start a blog to share of our adventures and experiences in India. I have never blogged before, nor am I a good writer; but I'll sure give it my best shot, simply as an effort to journal my way through this once-in-a-lifetime experience.
It all started back in May 2013. I started having dreams that we were going to move. In fact I can remember 3 dreams in particular. The dreams did not speak of where we were moving or when, but simply that we were moving. I started to pray to God about this and every time I asked God, he simply said, "Get ready, because you are going to move." At this time Kris and I were quite discontent with our lives in Sioux Falls. This was not because of the house we lived in or the things we owned, but more the potential path that life was leading us on. We were struggling with infertility and both working full-time jobs (and Kris an additional part-time job) just to make ends meet. This is not how we had envisioned our lives in Sioux Falls. So we decided to change how we were praying to God. Instead of asking God to do things "for" us, we started praying "Lord, what is your will for our lives? We want to live in your perfect will. Please show us and we will follow you!"
Then one day Kris received an email from an old classmate at Palmer (his chiropractic school). This classmate had just finished up working at a clinic in Bangalore, India for 1 month. This clinic was looking for a christian chiropractor and they were wondering if we would be interested in checking this opportunity out. We both thought the email was quite random, but didn't seriously consider the option. But the Lord kept pulling on our hearts, so we checked out the opportunity further and started to pray about it. Honestly, every time I prayed about it God said, "Go. I want you to go right now." I felt a huge sense of urgency that I could not describe. Then after corresponding with the owners of the clinic, I understood the sense of urgency. They have been without a chiropractor since May, and they needed one soon! Finally after tons of praying, emailing, and consideration, we decided to go for it. Now all we had to do was get ready. That was 7 weeks ago, and wow....have we been busy!!!
This has been our journey leading up to the move. The last 7 weeks have been such a whirlwind! We are so excited for a new chapter in our lives to begin. We hope you will join us for the ride, and keep us in your prayers.