Thursday, October 2, 2014

Jet Lag

      Well we made it!  We survived the long journey home from India and boy was it L-O-N-G!!  We started out at the Bangalore airport at midnight on Sunday night.  Our flight left at 3:05am for Frankfurt.  The flight was uneventful and the kids were able to sleep pretty well.  9 1/2 hrs later we arrived in Frankfurt Germany early Monday morning on Sept 29th.  We had a small layover to stretch our legs and then it was back on another 8 1/2hr flight to Chicago.  We had another layover in Chicago, but most of our time was spent going through customs.  It was a long excruciating process that I don't want to repeat for a very long time!  We spent about 15minutes at our gate and then it was on to the last plane to Sioux Falls, which only took about another hour.
John loved his baby cot on our first flight.  

So far so good!

      The kids did great and slept for most of the flights.  The excitement of seeing family and friends kept us all motivated on each leg of the journey.  I don't think Kris or I slept more than 1 hr at a time, but we were able to rest a little.  I'm just glad that we made it home safely and so did all of our luggage, all 9 pieces.  We were greeted in Sioux Falls by all of our favorite people and the feeling was pure JOY!  After such a long journey we were so glad to be out of the air and onto dry land.
Kris and Molly watching the planes in Frankfurt, Germany

So many huge planes to watch.

      So the question many of you are wondering and asking is, "How does it feel to be back in America?"  Two words…JET-LAG.  Ooofta.  It's tough going through jet lag with 2 kids.  We are slowly turning around our sleep schedules, but I can't say it's been pretty.  Our family is giving us a lot of grace and I think we are close to getting back to normal.  I'm just glad I don't have to get back on an airplane for a very long time.  No, but seriously, it feels very comfortable to be back in Sioux Falls.  It really feels like we are back home.  We aren't really going through any feelings of reverse culture shock or feelings of resentment towards one culture or the other.  So far it just feels good to be back home with our family and friends.  Despite feeling tired ALL DAY LONG, we are enjoying the moments of getting reacquainted with everyone again.  We are really looking forward to the next month or two here in the midwest before we make the journey out to California.

Molly spending some much needed time with her Grandma Beth and cousins!  

     Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers for our safe journey back to America.  Everything went very smoothly and safely for us, and we know it was because we were in the hands of God throughout the entire trip.  We are so grateful now for this time of rest!  I hope to post a blog or 2 about our thoughts, feelings, and emotions as we transition back to life here in America, so stay tuned :)