Friday, November 29, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!  Just thought I would share with you how we celebrated Thanksgiving this year.  First of all Thanksgiving obviously is not a holiday that is celebrated in India.  So...Kris got to work a usual day at the clinic.  I was at home with Molly making our supper for the evening (meatloaf) and Jude and Roopa decided to surprise us by taking us out for a Thanksgiving feast!  They decided to take us to an Arabian restaraunt.  Yes, we celebrated Thanksgiving in INDIA with ARABIAN food.  Something does not sound right about this dinner.  But, we all know that Thanksgiving is not about the food you eat, or where you are, but more about who you are with.  It is about being with friends and family that love and care about you.  

So here are some pictures of our dining experience.  The food was excellent!!  Molly even believed that she was eating turkey (even though it was chicken). 


I cannot remember all of the names of the things that we ate, but everything was so good.  In true Thanksgiving fashion we ate way too much!!

We all had mint and lime drinks to go with our meal.  Super tasty!!

After supper we went to an ice-cream place for dessert!   I was told to never eat ice-cream in India, but we decided to try it anyways.  None of us got that was a huge blessing.  (This particular ice-cream place is made from all natural ingredients, so we felt pretty safe in eating it.)  

So we want to say thank you to Jude and Roopa for making our Thanksgiving in India a memorable one that we won't forget!!  (We do plan on returning the favor on Monday when Kris has the day off by making a true American Thanksgiving dinner for their family.  I will post about that later, because I have encountered quite the challenges in preparing for this meal. To be continued...)

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