Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Two Wheeler

     The two-wheeler.  What an amazing invention.  Here in India, it's so much more than a mode of transportation; it is an amazing vehicle used for almost anything and everything.  It covers every square inch of the roads and has proved to be an efficient mode of transport for many people all across India.  From transporting your family of 5 to delivering your Domino's Pizza, it is being utilized to its fullest potential.  During the many months we have spent here we have collected a few photos showing the many functions that a two-wheeler posesses.  Many of these things simply blow my mind, and coming from a "safety first" mentality, I will never understand or comprehend all that it can be used for.  

     This post is for all of my friends back home to give you a little taste of life on a two-wheeler here in India.  I hope it makes you appreciate and enjoy your cars a little bit more.  For those of you reading that are from India…this is simply a boring post showing things you see every…single…day!

This is one I posted on Facebook a while back.  I couldn't resist posting it again because it still amazes me to see 5 people on a scooter!

This is a picture of the Dominos delivery scooters near our house

This is a man pushing his bicycle loaded with things like paper and cardboard.  I have no idea how he loaded that all on his bike or how he manages to balance/push it.

This is a two-wheeler delivering cooking gas to my neighbors house.  That's 4 cylinders of cooking gas on his bike!  I guess I would not enjoy delivering such a flammable device.  

The man on this two-wheeler is carrying 4 huge plastic containers.  You would need some good balancing skills for this one!

This man is using his two-wheeler to carry a bunch of blankets/fabrics/rugs.  This particular bike isn't as loaded down as I've seen, but still quite full of stuff. 

This man is carrying a huge mirror or frame while his friend drives the two-wheeler.  We've seen people carrying TV's, large pieces of glass, ladders, chairs, tables…everything!

The road is just FULL of them!!

 Two-wheeler parking in front of some shops.

      I hope you all enjoyed seeing some of what we witness on a regular basis here.  Sometimes we just shake our heads in amazement by what we see.  In exactly 2 weeks we will be preparing to get on an airplane back to the United States.  I hope to post as much as possible before we go as I savor every last minute here and try to take it all in.   

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