I thought I would try to post a few pics at the end of each month just to show what we've been up to throughout the month. Yes, while most of Kris' time is spent in the clinic treating patients, we have had a little bit of extra time for some fun things too. This post is mainly for the grandparents, aunts, and uncles as you will see lots of pictures of Molly :)
We opened Christmas presents on New Years day because we were on vacation for Christmas. Molly received a few gifts from us and as you can see, one of those gifts was a bike. She was so excited to ride bike again! We have a small street behind our apartment that is a dead end road. Molly and Kris are riding/running along the street to try out her new wheels. She also loves to ride her bike inside the house, as we have no carpet here.
Molly was invited to a friends' birthday party. We went to a really fun place called Mothers Sanctuary. The place was filled with swings, hammocks, trampolines, a petting zoo, and all sorts of fun activities for the kids to do. They even had a tug-of-war competition. We really enjoyed our day spent here with friends.
Since living here we have had the chance to try all sorts of new produce. Most of the things we have tried have been very, very tasty. Here Molly is trying out a fig for the first time. I had never seen a fig growing on a tree before, nor have I eaten a fresh fig. I've had fig newtons and dried figs before, but never one picked off the tree. We all actually really liked it.
Just to make all of you jealous back at home that are enduring the worst winter ever... I thought I would post a pic of us catching some rays of sunshine. We decided one day to go out onto our rooftop and enjoy the sun. It gets super hot up there so we couldn't be out for long, but it sure felt good to have a swimsuit on and sit in the sun. Sure wish we had a swimming pool to go with it :)
We received some wonderful care packages in the mail. They were filled to the brim with fun activities for Molly and I to do while at home. Thanks to all of the Grandparents for sending us these packages!!! We love to get mail!
Molly has become quite the helper around the house. She helps me hang up all of the laundry on the line, and then once dry, she helps me fold it all too. I love this age because she gets excited to help. It'll be a sad day once she realizes that this is actually a chore.
We had such a fun day meeting our friends' new baby. Our kids are the same ages, so we always have a good time together! It was so much fun to get to hold a newborn again. It made me very excited to meet our new little one soon.
I already dedicated a previous post to getting our new car, but it was THE HIGHLIGHT of the month for sure!! Some people wanted to see how we actually fit in this car, so I thought I would post a pic of me actually sitting in the drivers seat. I still can't technically drive the Nano, but Kris has given me about 5 driving lessons so far. I could get somewhere if I had to in an emergency. For now that'll be good enough until the baby comes. Kris on the other hand has navigated through some of the worst traffic that Bangalore has to offer. He has done such an awesome job!! I think I can officially say that he could drive anywhere in the world if he wanted to.
We celebrated Republic Day with all of the neighbors from our apartment complex. The kids got to play musical chairs and they each got a prize. The adults played a game that is very similar to BINGO, but they call it Housey. It was a nice time to get to know more people from our apartment.
We spent a lot of the month getting ready for baby boy Isakson to come. His 2 Indian uncles (Jude and Kingsly) came over to hang up a hook for the baby hammock. We plan to use the hammock as the baby's bed for the first few months. This is how most Indians have their baby sleep, so we thought we would give it a try too. We've also been able to borrow a pack'n'play, stroller, baby-carrier, and highchair. We purchased a rocking chair on the Indian version of Craigs List. It was quite a site to see us actually fit the rocking chair into the back of the Nano. I'm telling you, that car is bigger than it looks :). As most of you saw from Facebook, I was also thrown a surprise baby shower. This was also a huge highlight from the month. I don't have any pics yet from the event, but I'll try and post them as soon as I get them. I felt so blessed and loved by all of the women who attended!
I have been able to receive a few Indian cooking lessons from a friend at church. She has graciously come to my apartment several times to teach me 5 different recipes. Each recipe has been sooooo tasty. I can't wait to try them on my own to see if I can pull off these complicated dishes. Indian cooking is tiring, messy, and sooooo good. I hope to learn a lot more dishes while I'm here!
Well those are a few highlights from the month of January. Stay tuned, because February promises to be an exciting month as we look forward to the arrival of our baby boy!! We'll keep you all posted on his big debut!!
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