Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Looking Back

Happy New Year to you all!  It is so amazing to look back at 2013 and see what God has brought us through.  I can remember some very sad moments, but I can also remember so many happy ones too.  If I could sum up 2013 into one word, I would say the word "CHANGE" describes it best.  God has brought us through sooooo many changes, more than I could have ever imagined as I started 2013.  Who knows what God will do in 2014??  Hopefully you have had some time to reflect on the past year, but also time to look ahead to the adventure that God may bring you through in 2014!

Today as we celebrate the first day of 2014 I asked Kris if he could share one patient experience as a testimony to what God is doing at the chiropractic clinic.  Although, I would prefer if Kris would share it himself, he is extremely busy with hardly any time to spare.  He, on average, is seeing about 20-30 patients per day, which gets pretty hectic.  He comes home very tired, but always with a smile on his face.  He has also been quite sick over the past 3 weeks, but never missed a day of work.  On most of his days off he simply just rests.  So today I sent him to take a nap with Molly while I try to describe his most memorable patient experience to date.

This particular patient is a 40 year old male.  He came to the clinic with 3 major complaints.  He complained of insomnia and reported only getting 1-2 hrs of sleep per night.  He also had symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and diarrhea after each meal.  Third, he had frequent headaches.  He has never seen a chiropractor before.  He recently was separated from his wife and was also experiencing a lot of stress at work.  He looked tired and run down.  He was hardly able to even open his eyes or stand up straight.  After doing a thorough history, Kris felt his main problems were probably stress and anxiety/depression.  In the US Kris hardly sees patients for these symptoms, but here he sees patients with all sorts of crazy symptoms that have tried everything but chiropractic.  They see the clinic as their last hope.  He proceeded to give him an adjustment, but after the adjustment felt lead to pray for this patient.  This is not something Kris does regularly with each patient, but God prompted him to lay hands on him and pray for him out loud and the patient was agreeable.  (This particular patient is not a Christian, but probably a Hindu).  That week, Kris saw him 3 times and prayed for him after each adjustment.   After the first week of adjustments the patient reported some significant improvements in his symptoms.  He was able to sleep for 7hrs in a row for 2 nights straight!!

Now that Kris has adjusted this patient about 9-10 times, he reports that his irritable bowel symptoms are completely gone; he can sleep 7hrs each night; and he only rarely gets a headache.  But the most important improvement is what Kris can visibly see in this patient.  He went from looking hopeless, tired, and run down; to a smile on his face, eyes shining bright, and excitement to receive each treatment.  He genuinely looks forward to each treatment and reports significant improvements because of them.

This is the power of God at work!!  We are praising God for the healing that has taken place in this individual.  We are praying that the Lord would soften his heart to hear the gospel message and be saved.  Kris has many stories similar to this one that I'm sure he would love to share.  We will try to give testimony to more stories as we witness God's miraculous power at work. We ask that you would continue to pray for Kris as he works with these complex patients.  Kris is asking that we pray for God to fill him with more boldness to pray over patients.  Also, that he would be sensitive to hear God's voice as to which patients need prayer spoken out loud (as he doesn't have time to do this for every patient that he sees throughout the day).

Once again we thank you for taking interest in our journey and hope that God is glorified through the work of our hands!

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